
It has been too long since I have updated Animal Outfitters blog...and I have so much to share! Where do I begin?! Good news or bad news??
Let's start with the good news. Baby stuff. Benjamin was due October 6th, 2010...and as the date got closer my belly was so big I thought I was going to explode. The Dr. tried to induce me at the visits leading up to my due date, and with a few false alarms....still no baby. So, on my due date I went to get a prenatal massage and the massage therapist mentioned some techniques that might get labor started. "Sure do whatever you think will help" I said sarcastically (assuming it wouldn't work of course). An hour later the massage was over, and she told me it doesn't always put women into labor but she had tried her best. She left the room, and I stood up to get dressed....and then I felt a trickle. I looked down. "Oh my gosh, I just peed myself..how am I supposed to walk out of here with wet pants" I thought to myself. Then I realized...my water had broke. I went flying out of the massage clinic..."gotta go the baby is coming soon!"
or so I thought.
I got home, took a shower, blow dried my hair, finished packing my bags, called the dog-sitter...and waited. I felt great, no pain at all. Man, this labor business is a breeze. I finally called my Dr, and they said to head to the hospital to get things started. We got there, and still I hadn't had one single contraction. So they started the pitocin to get things moving. I was in labor for 22 hours and still no sign of the baby coming...so I ended up with a c-section. I'll spare those details, but basically it wasn't fun. Then there he was. 9 lbs 4 oz and a beautiful healthy baby. I was in love. Then the sleepless nights came...and well, the next 4 months is kind of a blur. If you have kids, you probably know what I'm talking about. Benjamin is now 6 months old, and the love of my life. I could talk about him for days. He is perfect and I can't imagine life without him.
Now comes the bad news. We lost one of our dogs. Miles (president of Animal Outfitters) had kidney disease since I adopted him 8 years ago. In January, we got the news that his kidneys were getting worse along with some other issues. After a few months of medication, and many visits to the vet...I got the call. We had a few days to say goodbye because it was time to put him to sleep. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Saying goodbye is never easy. Miles was part of my family, my best furry friend, and I miss him dearly. I still look for him sometimes and remember he isn't here. I am so thankful to have had him for so many wonderful years...but I can't help but wish he were still here.
That is the official update at our house. Loss of one life and the gain of another. Reminds me to live each day to the fullest and appreciate those you love, because life truly is too short.

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